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You may use the @var tag to document the “Type” of properties, sometimes called class variables.


@var [“Type”] [$element_name] [<description>]


The @var tag defines which type of data is represented by the value of a property.

The @var tag MUST contain the name of the element it documents. An exception to this is when property declarations only refer to a single property. In this case the name of the property MAY be omitted.

This is used when compound statements are used to define a series of properties. Such a compound statement can only have one DocBlock while several items are represented.


class Foo
  /** @var string|null Should contain a description */
  protected $description = null;

Even compound statements may be documented:

class Foo
   * @var string $name        Should contain a description
   * @var string $description Should contain a description
  protected $name, $description;