

Directives are the extension points of ReStructuredText. They are used to add custom nodes to the document tree. The parser will do the basic parsing of a directive. Then it will hand over the directive to a directive handler, which will do the actual processing of the directive.

This project contains a lot of directives. You can find them in the Directives namespace, including the way to use them.

To implement a directive you need to create a class that extends BaseDirective , and register it with the parser using a custom extension.


return static function (ContainerConfigurator $container): void {

By design, this library distinguishes between three types of directives:

  • SubDirective This is the most common directive type. It is used to add a new node type to the document tree that allows you to do custom rendering. See Admonitions for examples.
  • ActionDirective Action directives are not producing nodes in the document tree. They can be used to perform actions on the document. For example set the default language for code blocks or configure other settings.
  • BaseDirective , more or less a basic directive handler. This is the most advanced directive type. You are on your own here. You need to do everything yourself.

Implement a sub directive

A sub directivehandler is a node with child nodes. The parser will take care of the parsing of the directive content. All you need to do is create a node and add the content.


namespace YourExtension\Directives;

use phpDocumentor\Guides\RestructuredText\Nodes\Node;
use phpDocumentor\Guides\RestructuredText\Nodes\SubDirectiveNode;
use phpDocumentor\Guides\RestructuredText\Parser\SubDirectiveParser;
use phpDocumentor\Guides\RestructuredText\Parser\SubDirectiveParserFactory;

class ExampleSubDirective extends SubDirective
    public function getName(): string
        return 'example';

    final protected function processSub(
        BlockContext $blockContext,
        CollectionNode $collectionNode,
        Directive $directive,
    ): Node|null {
        return new ExampleNode(

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