Table of Contents
- CrossReferenceNode
- A cross-reference node is a link node that can reference targets outside of the current document.
- InlineNodeInterface
- LinkInlineNode
- AbbreviationInlineNode
- AbstractLinkInlineNode
- AnnotationInlineNode
- This node an annotation, for example citation or footnote
- CitationInlineNode
- This node represents a citation inline a text
- DocReferenceNode
- Represents a link to document
- EmphasisInlineNode
- FootnoteInlineNode
- This node represents a footnote inline a text
- GenericTextRoleInlineNode
- HyperLinkNode
- Represents a link to an external source or email
- ImageInlineNode
- In some Markup languages like Markdown Images are always considered inline. They can appear anywhere in a paragraph.
- InlineNode
- LiteralInlineNode
- NewlineInlineNode
- PlainTextInlineNode
- ReferenceNode
- CrossReferences are references outside a document. As parsing is file based normal references are in document, refering to other documents.
- StrongInlineNode
- VariableInlineNode
- WhitespaceInlineNode