Table of Contents
- OptionMapper
- AbstractAdmonitionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- AbstractVersionChangeDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- ActionDirective
- Extend this class to create a directive that does some actions, for example on the parser context, without
creating a node.
- AdmonitionDirective
- A generic admonition.
- AttentionDirective
- Directive to create an attention admonition.
- BaseDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block
It looks like:
- BreadcrumbDirective
- The "breadcrumb" directive displays a breadcrumb of the current. It does not exist in Sphinx or the
reST standard yet.
- CautionDirective
- Directive to create a caution admonition.
- ClassDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- CodeBlockDirective
- Renders a code block, example:
- ConfigurationBlockDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- ConfvalDirective
- The confval directive configuration values.
- ContainerDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- ContentsDirective
- Standarad rst `contents` directive
- CsvTableDirective
- Render csv file as table
- DangerDirective
- Directive to create a danger admonition.
- DefaultRoleDirective
- sets the default interpreted text role, the role that is used for interpreted text without an explicit role.
- DeprecatedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- DocumentBlockDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- EpigraphDirective
- An epigraph is an apposite (suitable, apt, or pertinent) short inscription,
often a quotation or poem, at the beginning of a document or section.
- ErrorDirective
- Directive to create a error admonition.
- FigureDirective
- Renders an image, example :
- GeneralDirective
- A catch-all directive, the content is treated as content, the options passed on
- HighlightDirective
- HighlightsDirective
- Highlights summarize the main points of a document or section, often consisting of a list.
- HintDirective
- Directive to create a hint admonition.
- ImageDirective
- Renders an image, example :
- ImportantDirective
- Directive to create a important admonition.
- IncludeDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block
It looks like:
- IndexDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- LaTeXMain
- Marks the document as LaTeX main
- ListTableDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- LiteralincludeDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block
It looks like:
- MathDirective
- Renders a code block, example:
- MenuDirective
- A menu directives displays a menu in the page. In opposition to a toctree directive the menu
is for display only. It does not change the position of document in the document tree and can therefore be included
all pages as navigation.
- MetaDirective
- Add a meta information:
- NoteDirective
- Directive to create a note admonition.
- OptionDirective
- Describes a command line argument or switch. Option argument names should be enclosed in angle brackets.
- PullQuoteDirective
- A pull-quote is a small selection of text "pulled out and quoted", typically in
a larger typeface. Pull-quotes are used to attract attention, especially in long articles.
- RawDirective
- Renders a raw block, example:
- ReplaceDirective
- The Replace directive will set the variables for the spans
- RoleDirective
- The "role" directive dynamically creates a custom interpreted text role and registers it with the parser.
- SectionauthorDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block
It looks like:
- SeeAlsoDirective
- Directive to create a seealso admonition.
- SidebarDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- SubDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- TableDirective
- Applies more options to a table
- TestLoggerDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- TipDirective
- Directive to create a tip admonition.
- TitleDirective
- Add a meta title to the document
- ToctreeDirective
- Sphinx based Toctree directive.
- TodoDirective
- Todo directives are treated as comments, omitting all content or options
- VersionAddedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- VersionChangedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can
be overloaded, like :
- WarningDirective
- Directive to create a warning admonition.
- YoutubeDirective
- This directive is used to embed a youtube video in the document.