Table of Contents
- FileSystem
- StorageAttributes
- CompilerContextInterface
- CompilerPass
- NodeTransformer
- NodeTransformerFactory
- MarkupLanguageParser
- Target
- NodeRenderer
- NodeRendererFactory
- NodeRendererFactoryAware
- PreNodeRenderer
- CrossReferenceNode
- A cross-reference node is a link node that can reference targets outside of the current document.
- InlineNodeInterface
- LinkInlineNode
- LinkTargetNode
- MultipleLinkTargetsNode
- Node
- OptionalLinkTargetsNode
- Makes the implementing node an optional link target. If Noindex is true no references are generated, there is no entry in the objects index and no warning about duplicate ids.
- PrefixedLinkTargetNode
- AnchorNormalizer
- Normalizes raw data used to generate anchors.
- DocumentNameResolverInterface
- InventoryLoader
- InventoryRepository
- ReferenceResolver
- TypeRenderer
- TypeRendererFactory
- UrlGeneratorInterface
- TemplateRenderer
- Highlighter
- DiagramRenderer
- ParserInterface
- Parser
- CodeNodeOptionMapper
- The directives `code-block` and `literalinclude` both create a CodeNode with the same possible options.
- InterlinkParser
- FieldListItemRule
- InlineRule
- Rule
- TextRole
- TextRoleFactory
- FileNotFoundException
- FlySystemAdapter
- FlysystemV1
- StorageAttributes
- FileAttributes
- FlysystemV3
- MethodNotAllowedException
- Compiler
- CompilerContext
- Context class used in compiler passes to store the state of the nodes.
- DocumentNodeTraverser
- CitationInlineNodeTransformer
- CitationTargetTransformer
- ClassNodeTransformer
- CollectLinkTargetsTransformer
- CustomNodeTransformerFactory
- DocumentBlockNodeTransformer
- DocumentEntryRegistrationTransformer
- FootNodeNamedTransformer
- FootNodeNumberedTransformer
- FootnoteInlineNodeTransformer
- ListNodeTransformer
- AbstractMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- ContentsMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- ExternalMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- GlobMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- InternalMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- SubInternalMenuEntryNodeTransformer
- TocNodeReplacementTransformer
- TocNodeTransformer
- MoveAnchorTransformer
- RawNodeEscapeTransformer
- SectionCreationTransformer
- SectionEntryRegistrationTransformer
- TransformerPass
- The TransformerPass is a special kind of CompilerPass that traverses all documents and Calls the DocumentNodeTraverser for each.
- VariableInlineNodeTransformer
- AutomaticMenuPass
- GlobalMenuPass
- ImplicitHyperlinkTargetPass
- Resolves the hyperlink target for each section in the document.
- ToctreeValidationPass
- TreeNode
- CommandLocator
- NodeRendererPass
- ParserRulesPass
- RendererPass
- GuidesExtension
- TestExtension
- ModifyDocumentEntryAdditionalData
- PostCollectFilesForParsingEvent
- This event is called after all files have been collected for parsing But before the actual parsing begins.
- PostParseDocument
- This event is called after the parsing of each document is completed by the responsible extension.
- PostParseProcess
- This event is dispatched right after the overall parsing process is finished, Before the compiler passes, including the node transformers are called.
- PostProjectNodeCreated
- PostRenderDocument
- This event is called after the rendering of each document.
- PostRenderProcess
- This event is called once after each rendering method after all documents have been rendered.
- PreParseDocument
- This event is called before the parsing of each document is passed to the responsible extension.
- PreParseProcess
- This event is dispatched right before the overall parsing process is started.
- PreRenderDocument
- This event is called before the rendering of each document.
- PreRenderProcess
- This event is called once before each rendering method after all documents have been parsed and all compiler passes (including node transformers have been called.)
- LoadSettingsFromComposer
- DocumentEntryNotFound
- DuplicateLinkAnchorException
- InvalidTableStructure
- FileCollector
- Files
- CompileDocumentsCommand
- CompileDocumentsHandler
- LoadCacheCommand
- LoadCacheHandler
- ParseDirectoryCommand
- ParseDirectoryHandler
- ParseFileCommand
- ParseFileHandler
- PersistCacheCommand
- PersistCacheHandler
- RenderCommand
- RenderDocumentCommand
- RenderDocumentHandler
- RenderHandler
- AnnotationTarget
- CitationTarget
- ExternalTarget
- FootnoteTarget
- InternalTarget
- DefaultNodeRenderer
- DelegatingNodeRenderer
- AdmonitionNodeRenderer
- BreadCrumbNodeRenderer
- DocumentNodeRenderer
- MenuEntryRenderer
- MenuNodeRenderer
- TableNodeRenderer
- InMemoryNodeRendererFactory
- TableNodeRenderer
- TitleNodeRenderer
- TocNodeRenderer
- LazyNodeRendererFactory
- OutputAwareDelegatingNodeRenderer
- PreNodeRendererFactory
- Decorator to add pre-rendering logic to node renderers.
- PreRenderer
- TemplateNodeRenderer
- AbstractNode
- AdmonitionNode
- AnchorNode
- AnnotationListNode
- Defines a list of footnotes or citations
- AnnotationNode
- Defines a footnote or citation
- AuthorNode
- The author element holds the name of the author of a document, section or code-block
- BreadCrumbNode
- CitationNode
- Defines a citation that can be referenced by an CitationInlineNode
- ClassNode
- CodeNode
- CollectionNode
- A collection node is a node that renders all its children without adding a wrap. It is used by directives, that change sub-nodes without having an output of their own, like the class-directive.
- CompoundNode
- ConfigurationBlockNode
- ConfigurationTab
- DefinitionListNode
- DefinitionListItemNode
- DefinitionNode
- DocumentBlockNode
- DocumentNode
- DocumentEntryNode
- EntryNode
- ExternalEntryNode
- SectionEntryNode
- EmbeddedFrame
- FieldListNode
- FieldListItemNode
- FigureNode
- FootnoteNode
- Defines a footnote that can be referenced by an FootnoteInlineNode
- GenericNode
- Any Directive not explicitly modeled.
- ImageNode
- AbbreviationInlineNode
- AbstractLinkInlineNode
- AnnotationInlineNode
- This node an annotation, for example citation or footnote
- CitationInlineNode
- This node represents a citation inline a text
- DocReferenceNode
- Represents a link to document
- EmphasisInlineNode
- FootnoteInlineNode
- This node represents a footnote inline a text
- GenericTextRoleInlineNode
- HyperLinkNode
- Represents a link to an external source or email
- ImageInlineNode
- In some Markup languages like Markdown Images are always considered inline. They can appear anywhere in a paragraph.
- InlineNode
- LiteralInlineNode
- NewlineInlineNode
- PlainTextInlineNode
- ReferenceNode
- CrossReferences are references outside a document. As parsing is file based normal references are in document, refering to other documents.
- StrongInlineNode
- VariableInlineNode
- WhitespaceInlineNode
- InlineCompoundNode
- InvalidLink
- Link
- ListItemNode
- Represents a single item of a bullet or enumerated list.
- ListNode
- ListItem
- LiteralBlockNode
- MainNode
- MathNode
- ContentMenuNode
- ExternalMenuEntryNode
- GlobMenuEntryNode
- Represents a menu entry that can be replaced by multiple InternalMenuEntryNodes during compilation. The url contains a string here. It cannot be rendered.
- InternalMenuEntryNode
- MenuDefinitionLineNode
- This node contains the result of parsing the menu entries for a menu.
- MenuEntryNode
- MenuNode
- NavMenuNode
- SectionMenuEntryNode
- TocNode
- AddressNode
- The address element holds the surface mailing address information for the author (individual or group) of the document, or a third-party contact address. Its structure is identical to that of the literal_block element: whitespace is significant, especially newlines.
- AuthorNode
- The author element holds the name of the author of the document.
- AuthorsNode
- The authors element is a container for author information for documents with multiple authors.
- ContactNode
- The contact element holds contact information for the author (individual or group) of the document, or a third-party contact. It is typically used for an email or web address.
- CopyrightNode
- The copyright element contains the document's copyright statement.
- DateNode
- The date node contains the date of publication, release, or last modification of the document.
- MetadataNode
- MetaNode
- NavigationTitleNode
- The organization element contains the name of document author's organization, or the organization responsible for the document.
- NoCommentsNode
- If set, the web application won’t display a comment form for a page generated from this source file
- NoSearchNode
- If set, full text search for this file is disabled.
- OrganizationNode
- The organization element contains the name of document author's organization, or the organization responsible for the document.
- OrphanNode
- If set, warnings about this file not being included in any toctree will be suppressed.
- RevisionNode
- The revision element contains the revision number of the document. It can be used alone or in conjunction with version.
- TocDepthNode
- The maximum depth for a table of contents of this file.
- TopicNode
- The topic element is a nonrecursive section-like construct which may occur at the top level of a section wherever a body element (list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, topic elements cannot nest inside body elements, so you can't have a topic inside a table or a list, or inside another topic.
- VersionNode
- The version element contains the version number of the document. It can be used alone or in conjunction with revision.
- ParagraphNode
- ProjectNode
- QuoteNode
- RawNode
- ReplacementNode
- SectionNode
- SeparatorNode
- SpanNode
- TableColumn
- TableRow
- TableNode
- TextNode
- TitleNode
- Parser
- Determines the correct markup language parser to use based on the input and output format and with it, and parses the file contents.
- ParserContext
- AnchorHyperlinkResolver
- Resolves references with an anchor URL.
- AnchorReferenceResolver
- Resolves references with an anchor URL.
- DelegatingReferenceResolver
- Resolves the URL for all inline link nodes using reference resolvers.
- DocReferenceResolver
- DocumentNameResolver
- EmailReferenceResolver
- Resolves references with an embedded email address
- ExternalReferenceResolver
- Resolves references with an embedded external URL.
- ImageReferenceResolverPreRender
- DefaultInventoryLoader
- DefaultInventoryRepository
- InvalidInventoryLink
- Inventory
- InventoryGroup
- InventoryLink
- JsonLoader
- InterlinkReferenceResolver
- InternalReferenceResolver
- Message
- Messages
- NullAnchorNormalizer
- PageHyperlinkResolver
- Resolves named and anonymous references to source files
- ReferenceResolverPreRender
- SluggerAnchorNormalizer
- TitleReferenceResolver
- Resolves references with an anchor URL.
- RenderContext
- BaseTypeRenderer
- DocumentListIterator
- HtmlRenderer
- InMemoryRendererFactory
- InterlinkObjectsRenderer
- LatexRenderer
- AbsoluteUrlGenerator
- AbstractUrlGenerator
- ConfigurableUrlGenerator
- RelativeUrlGenerator
- ComposerSettingsLoader
- ProjectSettings
- SettingsManager
- AssetsExtension
- EnvironmentBuilder
- GlobalMenuExtension
- ThemeConfig
- ThemeManager
- TrimFilesystemLoader
- A file system loader that trims the last line ending from the template content.
- TwigTemplateRenderer
- UriFactory
- Application
- Run
- WorkingDirectorySwitcher
- Configuration
- XmlFileLoader
- ApplicationExtension
- ContainerFactory
- CodeExtension
- HighlightPhpHighlighter
- This class delegates to the Highlighter library the task of highlighting code blocks, adds extra features, and makes sure that errors result in a log line instead of an exception.
- HighlightResult
- CodeExtension
- Configuration
- GraphsExtension
- UmlDirective
- Renders a uml diagram, example:
- UmlNode
- PlantumlRenderer
- PlantumlServerRenderer
- TestRenderer
- UmlExtension
- MarkdownExtension
- MarkupLanguageParser
- NullNode
- ParserException
- AbstractBlockParser
- BlockQuoteParser
- CodeBlockParser
- AuthorParser
- TitleParser
- FrontMatterParser
- HeaderParser
- HtmlParser
- AbstractInlineParser
- AbstractInlineTextDecoratorParser
- EmphasisParser
- InlineCodeParser
- InlineImageParser
- LinkParser
- NewLineParser
- PlainTextParser
- StrongParser
- ListBlockParser
- ListItemParser
- ParagraphParser
- SeparatorParser
- TableParser
- TextRolePass
- ReStructuredTextExtension
- AbstractAdmonitionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- AbstractVersionChangeDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- ActionDirective
- Extend this class to create a directive that does some actions, for example on the parser context, without creating a node.
- AdmonitionDirective
- A generic admonition.
- AttentionDirective
- Directive to create an attention admonition.
- BaseDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block It looks like:
- BreadcrumbDirective
- The "breadcrumb" directive displays a breadcrumb of the current. It does not exist in Sphinx or the reST standard yet.
- CautionDirective
- Directive to create a caution admonition.
- ClassDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CodeBlockDirective
- Renders a code block, example:
- ConfigurationBlockDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- ConfvalDirective
- The confval directive configuration values.
- ContainerDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- ContentsDirective
- Standarad rst `contents` directive
- CsvTableDirective
- Render csv file as table
- DangerDirective
- Directive to create a danger admonition.
- DefaultRoleDirective
- sets the default interpreted text role, the role that is used for interpreted text without an explicit role.
- DeprecatedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- DocumentBlockDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- EpigraphDirective
- An epigraph is an apposite (suitable, apt, or pertinent) short inscription, often a quotation or poem, at the beginning of a document or section.
- ErrorDirective
- Directive to create a error admonition.
- FigureDirective
- Renders an image, example :
- GeneralDirective
- A catch-all directive, the content is treated as content, the options passed on
- HighlightDirective
- HighlightsDirective
- Highlights summarize the main points of a document or section, often consisting of a list.
- HintDirective
- Directive to create a hint admonition.
- ImageDirective
- Renders an image, example :
- ImportantDirective
- Directive to create a important admonition.
- IncludeDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block It looks like:
- IndexDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- LaTeXMain
- Marks the document as LaTeX main
- ListTableDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- LiteralincludeDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block It looks like:
- MathDirective
- Renders a code block, example:
- MenuDirective
- A menu directives displays a menu in the page. In opposition to a toctree directive the menu is for display only. It does not change the position of document in the document tree and can therefore be included all pages as navigation.
- MetaDirective
- Add a meta information:
- NoteDirective
- Directive to create a note admonition.
- OptionDirective
- Describes a command line argument or switch. Option argument names should be enclosed in angle brackets.
- DefaultCodeNodeOptionMapper
- The directives `code-block` and `literalinclude` both create a CodeNode with the same possible options.
- PullQuoteDirective
- A pull-quote is a small selection of text "pulled out and quoted", typically in a larger typeface. Pull-quotes are used to attract attention, especially in long articles.
- RawDirective
- Renders a raw block, example:
- ReplaceDirective
- The Replace directive will set the variables for the spans
- RoleDirective
- The "role" directive dynamically creates a custom interpreted text role and registers it with the parser.
- SectionauthorDirective
- A directive is like a function you can call or apply to a block It looks like:
- SeeAlsoDirective
- Directive to create a seealso admonition.
- SidebarDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- SubDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- TableDirective
- Applies more options to a table
- TestLoggerDirective
- Divs a sub document in a div with a given class or set of classes.
- TipDirective
- Directive to create a tip admonition.
- TitleDirective
- Add a meta title to the document
- ToctreeDirective
- Sphinx based Toctree directive.
- TodoDirective
- Todo directives are treated as comments, omitting all content or options
- VersionAddedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- VersionChangedDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- WarningDirective
- Directive to create a warning admonition.
- YoutubeDirective
- This directive is used to embed a youtube video in the document.
- MarkupLanguageParser
- AdmonitionNodeRenderer
- CollectionNodeRenderer
- ContainerNodeRenderer
- GeneralDirectiveNodeRenderer
- SidebarNodeRenderer
- TopicNodeRenderer
- GeneralDirectiveNodeRenderer
- AdmonitionNode
- ConfvalNode
- The confval directive configuration values.
- ContainerNode
- GeneralDirectiveNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- OptionNode
- Describes a command line argument or switch. Option argument names should be enclosed in angle brackets.
- SidebarNode
- TopicNode
- VersionChangeNode
- AnnotationUtility
- BlockContext
- Our document parser contains
- Buffer
- Directive
- Represents the data contained in an arbitrary directive
- DirectiveOption
- DocumentParserContext
- Our document parser contains
- DocumentParserContextFactory
- InlineLexer
- DefaultInterlinkParser
- InterlinkData
- LineChecker
- LinesIterator
- AnnotationRule
- BlockQuoteRule
- CommentRule
- DefinitionListRule
- DirectiveContentRule
- DirectiveRule
- DocumentRule
- EnumeratedListRule
- AbstractFieldListItemRule
- AddressFieldListItemRule
- AuthorFieldListItemRule
- AuthorsFieldListItemRule
- ContactFieldListItemRule
- CopyrightFieldListItemRule
- DateFieldListItemRule
- DedicationFieldListItemRule
- NavigationTitleFieldListItemRule
- NocommentsFieldListItemRule
- NosearchFieldListItemRule
- OrganizationFieldListItemRule
- OrphanFieldListItemRule
- ProjectFieldListItemRule
- RevisionFieldListItemRule
- TocDepthFieldListItemRule
- VersionFieldListItemRule
- FieldListRule
- GridTableRule
- InlineMarkupRule
- The Inline markup produces inline nodes
- AbstractInlineRule
- AnnotationRoleRule
- Rule to parse for text roles such as ``:ref:`something` `
- AnonymousPhraseRule
- Rule to parse for anonymous references
- AnonymousReferenceRule
- Rule to parse for simple anonymous references
- DefaultTextRoleRule
- Rule to parse for default text roles such as `something`
- EmphasisRule
- Rule to parse for default text roles such as `something`
- EscapeRule
- Rule to escape characters with a backslash
- InternalReferenceRule
- LiteralRule
- Rule for literals such as ``something``
- NamedPhraseRule
- Rule to parse for named references
- NamedReferenceRule
- Rule to parse for simple named references
- NbspRule
- Rule to parse for non-breaking spaces: a~b
- PlainTextRule
- ReferenceRule
- StandaloneEmailRule
- Rule for standalone hyperlinks
- StandaloneHyperlinkRule
- Rule for standalone hyperlinks
- StrongRule
- Rule to parse for default text roles such as `something`
- TextRoleRule
- Rule to parse for text roles such as ``:ref:`something` `
- VariableInlineRule
- Rule to parse for inline variables such as |replace_me|
- LineBlockRule
- LinkRule
- ListRule
- LiteralBlockRule
- ParagraphRule
- RuleContainer
- SectionRule
- SimpleTableRule
- GridTableBuilder
- ParserContext
- TableSeparatorLineConfig
- TitleRule
- TransitionRule
- ReferenceData
- ReferenceData
- AbbreviationTextRole
- Role to create an abbreviation.
- AbstractReferenceTextRole
- ApiClassTextRole
- BaseTextRole
- DefaultTextRoleFactory
- DocReferenceTextRole
- Role to create a reference to a document.
- GenericLinkProvider
- Role to create references to link targets.
- GenericReferenceTextRole
- GenericTextRole
- LiteralTextRole
- Role to create a literal block.
- MathTextRole
- Role to create a math block.
- ReferenceTextRole
- SpanTextRole
- GlobSearcher
- ToctreeBuilder
- BootstrapExtension
- AccordionDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- AccordionItemDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardFooterDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardGridDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardGroupDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardHeaderDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- CardImageDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- TabDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- TabsDirective
- A directive that parses the sub block and call the processSub that can be overloaded, like :
- AbstractTabNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- AccordionItemNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- AccordionNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardFooterNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardHeaderNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardImageNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardGridNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardGroupNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- CardNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- TabNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- TabsNode
- A catch-all directive Node containing all information about the original directive in rst.
- RstThemeExtension
- RstRenderer
- RstExtension
- templateArray() : array<string|int, Node>, file: string, format: string}>
- Helper function to configure multiple templates.
- template() : Node>, file: string, format: string}
- Helper function to configure templates.
Helper function to configure multiple templates.
templateArray(array<Node>, string> $input[, string $format = 'html' ]) : array<string|int, Node>, file: string, format: string}>
This function is used to configure the templates in the configuration file.
- $input : array<Node>, string>
- $format : string = 'html'
Return values
array<string|int, Node>, file: string, format: string}>template()
Helper function to configure templates.
template(Node> $node, string $template[, string $format = 'html' ]) : Node>, file: string, format: string}
This function is used to configure the templates in the configuration file.
- $node : Node>
- $template : string
- $format : string = 'html'