Table of Contents
- PseudoType
- Type
- FqsenResolver
- Resolver for Fqsen using Context information
- ArrayShape
- ArrayShapeItem
- CallableString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- ConstExpression
- False_
- Value Object representing the PseudoType 'False', which is a Boolean type.
- FloatValue
- HtmlEscapedString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- IntegerRange
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- IntegerValue
- List_
- Value Object representing the type 'list'.
- ListShape
- ListShapeItem
- LiteralString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- LowercaseString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- NegativeInteger
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- NonEmptyArray
- Value Object representing the type 'non-empty-array'.
- NonEmptyList
- Value Object representing the type 'non-empty-list'.
- NonEmptyLowercaseString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- NonEmptyString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Numeric_
- Value Object representing the 'numeric' pseudo-type, which is either a numeric-string, integer or float.
- NumericString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- ObjectShape
- ObjectShapeItem
- PositiveInteger
- Value Object representing the type 'int'.
- ShapeItem
- StringValue
- TraitString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- True_
- Value Object representing the PseudoType 'False', which is a Boolean type.
- TypeResolver
- AbstractList
- Represents a list of values. This is an abstract class for Array_ and Collection.
- AggregatedType
- Base class for aggregated types like Compound and Intersection
- Array_
- Represents an array type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- ArrayKey
- Value Object representing a array-key Type.
- Boolean
- Value Object representing a Boolean type.
- Callable_
- Value Object representing a Callable type.
- CallableParameter
- Value Object representing a Callable parameters.
- ClassString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Collection
- Represents a collection type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- Compound
- Value Object representing a Compound Type.
- Context
- Provides information about the Context in which the DocBlock occurs that receives this context.
- ContextFactory
- Convenience class to create a Context for DocBlocks when not using the Reflection Component of phpDocumentor.
- Expression
- Represents an expression type as described in the PSR-5, the PHPDoc Standard.
- Float_
- Value Object representing a Float.
- Integer
- Value object representing Integer type
- InterfaceString
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- Intersection
- Value Object representing a Compound Type.
- Iterable_
- Value Object representing iterable type
- Mixed_
- Value Object representing an unknown, or mixed, type.
- Never_
- Value Object representing the return-type 'never'.
- Null_
- Value Object representing a null value or type.
- Nullable
- Value Object representing a nullable type. The real type is wrapped.
- Object_
- Value Object representing an object.
- Parent_
- Value Object representing the 'parent' type.
- Resource_
- Value Object representing the 'resource' Type.
- Scalar
- Value Object representing the 'scalar' pseudo-type, which is either a string, integer, float or boolean.
- Self_
- Value Object representing the 'self' type.
- Static_
- Value Object representing the 'static' type.
- String_
- Value Object representing the type 'string'.
- This
- Value Object representing the '$this' pseudo-type.
- Void_
- Value Object representing the return-type 'void'.
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