

The @see tag indicates a reference from the associated Structural Element(s) to a website or other Structural Element(s) .


@see [URI | FQSEN] [<description>]

or inline

{@see [URI | FQSEN] [<description>]}


The @see tag can be used to define a reference to other Structural Elements or to a URI.

When defining a reference to other Structural Elements , you can refer to a specific element by appending a double colon and providing the name of that element (also called the "Fully Qualified Structural Element Name" or _FQSEN_).

A URI MUST be complete and well-formed as specified in RFC 2396.

The @see tag SHOULD have a description to provide additional information regarding the relationship between the element and its target.

The @see tag cannot refer to a namespace element.

Effects in phpDocumentor

Structural Elements , or inline text in a long description, tagged with the @see tag will show a link in their description.

If a description is provided with the inline version of tag then this will be used as link text instead of the URL itself.

In addition, phpDocumentor provides the doc:// virtual scheme. When you provide this scheme, phpDocumentor will interpret that as a reference to hand-written documentation.


Normal tag:

 * @see number_of()                 Alias.
 * @see MyClass::$items             For the property whose items are counted.
 * @see MyClass::setItems()         To set the items for this collection.
 * @see  Documentation of Foo.
 * @see doc://getting-started/index Getting started document.
 * @return int Indicates the number of items.
function count()

Inline tag:

 * @return int Indicates the number of {@see \Vendor\Package\ClassName}
 *             items.
function count()

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