

The @final decorator is used to denote that the associated Structural Element is final, are not allowed to extend or override the Structural Element in a child element.

This tag can only be used on the following Structural Elements :

  • method
  • constant
  • class


@final [description]


In some situations the language construct final cannot be used by the implementing library where the functionality of the library prevents elements from being final. For example when proxy patterns are applied. In these cases the @final tag can be used to indicate that the element should be treated as final.

The optional description is used to provide a more detailed explanation of why the element is marked as final.

IDE's and other tools can use this information to show an error when such an element is extended or overridden.

Effects in phpDocumentor

Structural Elements that are marked as @final will be displayed as such in the generated documentation. The same way as the final keyword.


 * @final since version X.y.
class Service
    public function method()

Example of a method marked as final:

class Service
     * @final
    public function method()

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