

The @method tag allows a class to know which 'magic' methods are callable.


@method [[static] return type] [name]([[type] [parameter]<, ...>]) [<description>]


The @method tag is used in situations where a class contains the \__call() or \__callStatic() magic method and defines some definite uses.

An example of this is a child class whose parent has a __call() method defined to have dynamic getters or setters for predefined properties. The child knows which getters and setters need to be present, but relies on the parent class to use the \__call() method to provide this functionality. In this situation, the child class would have a @method tag for each magic setter or getter method.

The @method tag allows the author to communicate the Type of the arguments and return value by including those types in the signature.

When the intended method does not have a return value then the return type MAY be omitted; in which case 'void' is implied.

If the intended method is static, the static keyword can be placed before the return type to communicate that. In that case, a return type MUST be provided, as static on its own would mean that the method returns an instance of the child class which the method is called on.

@method tags MUST NOT be used in a PHPDoc unless it is associated with a class or interface .

Effects in phpDocumentor

Structural Elements of type class or interface tagged with the @method tag will show an extra method in their method listing matching the data provided with this tag.


class Parent
    public function __call()

 * @method string getString()
 * @method void setInteger(int $integer)
 * @method setString(int $integer)
 * @method static string staticGetter()
class Child extends Parent

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