Table of Contents
- CompilableSubject
- CompilerPassInterface
- Represents a single pass / business rule to be executed by the Compiler.
- DocumentationSetBuilder
- Normalizable
- Upgradable
- MiddlewareInterface
- AssemblerInterface
- AssemblerReducer
- A step in creating descriptors from reflection elements
- Descriptor
- Base class for descriptors containing the most used options.
- Filterable
- Interface to determine which elements can be filtered and to provide a way to set errors on the descriptor.
- FilterInterface
- ArgumentInterface
- Describes the public interface for a descriptor of an Argument.
- AttributedInterface
- AttributeInterface
- ChildInterface
- Describes the public interface for any descriptor that is the child is another.
- ClassInterface
- Common interface representing the description of a class.
- ConstantInterface
- Descriptor representing a constant on a class, trait, property or file.
- ContainerInterface
- Interface representing the common interface for all elements that can contain sub-elements.
- ElementInterface
- Represents the public interface to which all descriptors should be held.
- EnumCaseInterface
- Represents the public interface to which all descriptors should be held.
- EnumInterface
- Common interface representing the description of a class.
- FileInterface
- Describes the public interface for a description of a File.
- FunctionInterface
- Descriptor representing a global function in a file.
- InheritsFromElement
- InterfaceInterface
- Represents the public interface for an interface descriptor.
- MetadataAwareInterface
- MethodInterface
- Describes the public interface of the description for a method.
- NamespaceInterface
- Describes the public interface for the description of a namespace.
- PackageInterface
- Describes the public interface for a package descriptor.
- ProjectInterface
- Describes the public interface for the description of a project.
- PropertyInterface
- Descriptor representing a property on a class or trait.
- TracksErrors
- TraitInterface
- Public interface definition for object representing traits.
- TypeInterface
- VisibilityInterface
- IsTyped
- WithCustomSettings
- Declares that the service implementing this interface yields its own settings.
- Equals
- ExtensionLoader
- FileCollector
- FileSystemFactory
- Interface for FileSystem factories.
- SpecificationFactoryInterface
- Interface for Specifications used to filter the FileSystem.
- Generator
- Initializable
- ExtensionInterface
- An interface shared by all Twig interfaces intended for phpDocumentor.
- LinkRendererInterface
- Renders an HTML anchor pointing to the location of the provided element.
- Application
- Application class for phpDocumentor.
- AutoloaderLocator
- ApiDocumentationPass
- DescriptorRepository
- Linker
- The linker contains all rules to replace FQSENs in the ProjectDescriptor with aliases to objects.
- Debug
- This class is responsible for sending statistical information to the log.
- ElementsIndexBuilder
- This class constructs the index 'elements' and populates it with all Structural Elements.
- FilterEmptyNamespaces
- MarkerFromTagsExtractor
- This index builder collects all markers from tags and inserts them into the marker index.
- NamespaceTreeBuilder
- Rebuilds the namespace tree from the elements found in files.
- PackageTreeBuilder
- Rebuilds the package tree from the elements found in files.
- RemoveSourcecode
- ResolveInlineMarkers
- UsedByBuilder
- VarTagModifier
- DescriptorRepository
- GuidesCompiler
- SetVersionPass
- ApiSetBuilder
- GuideSetBuilder
- TableOfContentsBuilder
- ApiSpecification
- CommandlineOptionsMiddleware
- Configuration
- ConfigurationFactory
- The ConfigurationFactory converts the configuration xml from a Uri into an array.
- Version2
- Version3
- InvalidConfigPathException
- UnsupportedConfigVersionException
- UpgradeFailedException
- GuideSpecification
- PathNormalizingMiddleware
- ProvideTemplateOverridePathMiddleware
- Determines the path where the general template overrides are.
- Source
- SymfonyConfigFactory
- VersionSpecification
- Application
- ListSettingsCommand
- RunCommand
- Parse and transform the given directory (-d|-f) to the given location (-t).
- ContainerFactory
- ApplicationExtension
- GuidesCommandsPass
- ReflectionProjectFactoryStrategyPass
- Custom Compiler pass to help symfony to construct the ProjectFactoryStrategies
- ApiSetDescriptor
- AttributeDescriptor
- AssemblerAbstract
- Base class for all assemblers.
- AssemblerFactory
- Attempts to retrieve an Assembler for the provided criteria.
- AssemblerMatcher
- Matcher
- ArgumentAssembler
- Assembles an ArgumentDescriptor using an ArgumentReflector and ParamDescriptors.
- AssemblerAbstract
- Base class for all assemblers.
- ClassAssembler
- Assembles an ClassDescriptor using an ClassReflector.
- ConstantAssembler
- Assembles a ConstantDescriptor from a ConstantReflector.
- DescriptionAssemblerReducer
- Base class for all assemblers.
- EnumAssembler
- Assembles an EnumDescriptor using an ClassReflector.
- EnumCaseAssembler
- Assembles an EnumCaseDescriptor.
- FileAssembler
- Assembles an FileDescriptor using an FileReflector and ParamDescriptors.
- FunctionAssembler
- Assembles a FunctionDescriptor from a FunctionReflector.
- InterfaceAssembler
- Assembles an InterfaceDescriptor using an InterfaceReflector.
- MethodAssembler
- Assembles a MethodDescriptor from a MethodReflector.
- NamespaceAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- PropertyAssembler
- Assembles a PropertyDescriptor from a PropertyReflector.
- AttributeReducer
- MetadataReducer
- AuthorAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@author` tag.
- BaseTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- DeprecatedAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `{@}deprecated` tag.
- ExampleAssembler
- This class collects data from the example tag definition of the Reflection library, tries to find the correlating example file on disk and creates a complete Descriptor from that.
- GenericTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- InvalidTagAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- LinkAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@link` tag.
- MethodAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@method` tag.
- ParamAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@param` tag.
- PropertyAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@property` tag.
- ReturnAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@return` tag.
- SeeAssembler
- Constructs a new Descriptor from a Reflector object for the `@see` tag.
- SinceAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@since` tag.
- ThrowsAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@throws` tag.
- UsedByAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- UsesAssembler
- Base class for all assemblers.
- VarAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@var` tag.
- VersionAssembler
- Constructs a new descriptor from the Reflector for an `@version` tag.
- TraitAssembler
- Assembles an TraitDescriptor using an TraitReflector.
- ProjectDescriptorMapper
- Maps a projectDescriptor to and from a cache instance.
- Collection
- Represents an easily accessible collection of elements.
- DescriptorAbstract
- Base class for descriptors containing the most used options.
- DescriptionDescriptor
- DocumentationSetDescriptor
- DocumentDescriptor
- Finder
- Class used to find an example file's location based on a given ExampleDescriptor.
- MissingDependencyException
- This exception is thrown when a required dependency is not included.
- Filter
- Filter used to manipulate a descriptor after being build.
- FilterPayload
- StripIgnore
- Strips any Descriptor if the ignore tag is present with that element.
- StripIgnoredTags
- StripInternal
- Filters a Descriptor when the @internal inline tag, or normal tag, is used.
- StripOnVisibility
- Strips any Descriptor if their visibility is allowed according to the ProjectDescriptorBuilder.
- GuideSetDescriptor
- ProjectAnalyzer
- Analyzes a Project Descriptor and collects key information.
- Settings
- Contains the Settings for the current Project.
- ProjectDescriptorBuilder
- Builds a Project Descriptor and underlying tree.
- Engine
- Entry
- TypedAbstract
- Base descriptor for tags that have a type associated with them.
- TypedVariableAbstract
- Abstract class for Descriptors with a type and variable name.
- TocDescriptor
- Error
- Struct to record a validation error.
- CallArgument
- Deprecation
- IsApplicable
- VersionDescriptor
- Dsn
- Data Source Name (DSN), a reference to a path on a local or remote system with the ability to add parameters.
- Dispatcher
- Event Dispatching class.
- EventAbstract
- Abstract class representing the base elements of a phpDocumentor event.
- DirectoryLoader
- Extension
- ExtensionHandler
- ExtensionInfo
- Validator
- DescriptorAwareCompilerContext
- ClassDiagramNodeTransformer
- ClassListNodeTransformer
- PHPReferenceNodeTransformer
- DocumentCollector
- PHPReferenceNode
- ClassDiagram
- ClassList
- DescriptorNode
- ElementDescription
- ElementName
- ElementSummary
- UrlGenerator
- ClassDiagram
- PHPClassList
- PHPElementDescription
- PHPElementName
- PHPElementSummary
- PHPReference
- FilesystemAdapter
- Locator
- Locates the cache folder and ensures that the Symfony Cache is routed to that folder.
- PreFileEvent
- Event thrown before the parsing of an individual file.
- PreParsingEvent
- Event thrown before the parsing all files.
- FilesNotFoundException
- Exception that is thrown when the parser expects files but is unable to find them.
- FileFactory
- FlySystemCollector
- FlySystemFactory
- FlySystemFile
- CacheMiddleware
- EmittingMiddleware
- ErrorHandlingMiddleware
- ReEncodingMiddleware
- StopwatchMiddleware
- Parser
- Class responsible for parsing the given file or files to the intermediate structure file.
- ReEncodedFile
- SpecificationFactory
- Factory class to build Specification used by FlyFinder when reading files to process.
- Path
- Value Object for paths.
- Stage
- PipelineFactory
- GarbageCollectCache
- LoadGuidesFromCache
- LoadProjectDescriptorFromCache
- PurgeCachesWhenForced
- StoreGuidesToCache
- StoreProjectDescriptorToCache
- Compile
- Compiles and links the ast objects into the full ast
- DocumentationSetCompiler
- Configure
- InitializeBuilderFromConfig
- ParseApiDocumentationSets
- ApiSetPayload
- CollectFiles
- ParseFiles
- ParseGuides
- Payload
- TimedStageDecorator
- Transform
- Transforms the structure file into the specified output format
- TransformToPayload
- PostTransformationEvent
- Event that happens after each individual transformation.
- PostTransformEvent
- Event happen right after all transformations have completed.
- PreTransformationEvent
- Event happening prior to each individual transformation.
- PreTransformEvent
- Event that happens prior to the execution of all transformations.
- WriterInitializationEvent
- Abstract class representing the base elements of a phpDocumentor event.
- Exception
- Provides the basic exception for the parser package.
- ClassBasedFqsenUrlGenerator
- Generates a relative URL with properties for use in the generated HTML documentation.
- Router
- Collection
- Contains a collection of Templates that may be queried.
- Factory
- Parameter
- Model representing a parameter in a template or transformation.
- TemplateNotFound
- Template
- Model representing a template.
- Transformation
- Class representing a single Transformation.
- Transformer
- Core class responsible for transforming the cache file to a set of artifacts.
- Collection
- A collection of Writer objects.
- RequirementMissing
- This exception should be thrown by a Writer when it is missing one of its requirements.
- FileIo
- Writer containing file system operations.
- PlantumlClassDiagram
- Graph
- Writer responsible for generating various graphs.
- PathGenerator
- RenderGuide
- Base class for the actual transformation business logic (writers).
- Sourcecode
- Sourcecode transformation writer; generates syntax highlighted source files in a destination's subfolder.
- CommonMarkFactory
- EnvironmentFactory
- Extension
- Basic extension adding phpDocumentor specific functionality for Twig templates.
- FlySystemLoader
- AbstractListAdapter
- ArrayOfTypeAdapter
- Converts an array with types into a string-based representation of these types.
- CallableAdapter
- HtmlFormatter
- IterableAdapter
- LinkAdapter
- Renders most of the links to elements, urls and urls with virtual schemes.
- NullableAdapter
- Target
- The target of a link and how it should be presented.
- UrlGenerator
- Url generator for rendering links in the twig templates.
- LinkRenderer
- Renders an HTML anchor pointing to the location of the provided element.
- PathBuilder
- RelativePathToRootConverter
- Twig
- A specialized writer which uses the Twig templating engine to convert templates to HTML output.
- WriterAbstract
- Base class for the actual transformation business logic (writers).
- UriFactory
- Version
- LegacyArrayAccess
- BelongsToClassTraitOrInterface
- BelongsToMethod
- CanBeAbstract
- CanBeByReference
- CanBeDeprecated
- CanBeFinal
- CanBeVariadic
- CanHaveADefaultValue
- CanHaveAType
- ExtendsClass
- HasAttributes
- HasConstants
- HasDescription
- This file is part of phpDocumentor.
- HasErrors
- This file is part of phpDocumentor.
- HasFqsen
- HasInheritance
- HasMetadata
- HasMethods
- HasName
- HasNamespace
- HasPackage
- HasProperties
- HasSummary
- HasTags
- HasVisibility
- ImplementsInterfaces
- IsInFile
- UsesTraits
- IoTrait